Putting Style and Comfort Over Your Fracture

Fracture Fashionz began in 2014 when my oldest daughter broke her arm in a soccer tournament and required surgery. She was defending the goal, but got knocked down by the opposing team. She left the field and calmly said that she couldn't move her arm. We left the game and went to the local hospital where they revealed that she had broken her humerus in half! She was transferred by ambulance to a hospital closer to home that specialized in pediatrics where she had surgery to put 2 pins in. She spent 3 days in the hospital, and then was sent home with a boring, one-size-fits-all, blood stained, hospital arm sling. It was just days before her 13th birthday, and she was so depressed about the situation since she had to cancel (postpone) her party. We scoured the internet to find a fashionable arm sling, but could not find any that suited her, so we decided to make our own!